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  Amount kgCO2e
Green Apple 2 Apples 0.046
Celery Stalk 2 whole stalks + 4 slices 0.0156
Fresh Spinach Leaves 2 cups 0.153
Fresh Parsley Leaves 1/4 cup 0.00075
Fresh kale leaves 1/2 cup + 4 leaves garnish 0.11
Fresh orange juice 500 ml 1.07
Crushed ice 1 cup 0.0379


Peel green apple and chop into cubes

Cut celery stalks into cubes and slice 4 pieces for garnish

Take toothpick and put celery slice and kale leave on pick

Put rest of ingredients and blend till smooth

Pour into your favorite glass garnish with celery and kale pick


This recipe is about 54% less carbon intensive than the average meal. Saving approximately 1.6 kgCO2e per serving.

That is the equivalent of charging your smartphone 196 times.