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Amount kgCO2e
Red curry paste 20 gm 0.032
Coconut powder 15 gm 0.0315
Coconut milk 100 gm 0.21
Bamboo shoot 50 gm 0.11
Lime leaf 1 pc 0.0042
Lemon grass 1 pc 0.0021
Water 100 gm 0.016
Salt 2 gm
Snow peas 20 gm 0.0058
Asparagus 15 gm 0.0132
Carrots 50 gm 0.0055
Red capsicum 30 gm 0.0078
Baby corn 2 pcs 0.00688
Bamboo shoots 30 gm 0.066


  • To make the curry, boil the first eight ingredients together for three minutes. Set aside.
  • Sauté the mix vegetables with coconut oil until the vegetables are fork-tender.
  • Then add the curry paste and cook, stirring often for 2 minutes.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and season with salt to taste.
  • Serve with 180gm cooked basmati rice.

This recipe is about 83% less carbon intensive than the average meal. Saving approximately 2.49 kgCO2e per serving.

That is the equivalent of charging your smartphone 304 times.