Green Economist’s Note

The Sustainabilist is the compendium of green economy and sustainable business excellence. The platform was created to connect knowledge and enablers to build bridges towards a more climate resilient society.
I am in the business of disruption. My proverbial bread and butter is challenging conventional business practices towards a more climate resilient public and private sector. The corporate world continues along its path, with its goals and its targets, and I am simply an advocate of efficiency. I wish to complement such excellence with commercially viable innovation which does not affect the end result, but rather provides resource consumption efficiency across its value chain.
Pragmatically, I work with magnificent examples of corporate success, ranging from the small enterprise providing energy monitors to allow consumers to understand exactly where their energy cost can be reduced all the way to large government entities that establish green economy frameworks to enhance the green GDP of the country they operate within as well as generate jobs and increase their environmental performance. The common denominator is the willingness to operate outside the comfort zone and establish a collegiate environment where knowledge can drive innovation and improvements.
I run a purpose organization. Dubai Carbon is in the business of reducing CO2 emissions through its numerous tools and channels. My best instrument to date is success. Not my success. Your success. The ability to foster an environment where I can showcase commercial and economically viable business excellence allows others to learn what works and what can be further enhanced. This is the key sustainable prerogative. Scalability and replicability. Allow me to make give your success a stage to be showcased in the 21st century knowledge economy.
We host the largest regional data-centric repository of economically viable sustainability business practices.
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