‘Green Recovery’ takes Center Stage at ADSW

December 6, 2020, 4:57 am
Registration is now open for the ADSW Summit, part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW), the global platform for accelerating sustainable development, which will take place virtually on January 2021.
Hosted by Masdar, the ADSW Summit will, over three two-hour sessions, focus on the pillars of “Live & Move”, “Care & Engage”, and “Work & Invest”, with each pillar exploring social, economic and technological opportunities to achieve a ‘Green Recovery’ post COVID-19.
“The ADSW Summit along with Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week’s other high-level events will help set the global sustainability agenda for the year ahead – a year when sustainability will be at the center of the post COVID-19 discussion.”
Alongside its health impact, the pandemic has heavily affected the global economy, with the International Monetary Fund estimating it could cost as much as US$28 trillion in lost output. Governments around the world are being urged to align their recovery efforts with sustainable development initiatives – the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has estimated that doubling annual global energy transition investments to US$2 trillion over the next three years would boost global GDP by 1 percent.
“The ADSW Summit along with Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week’s other high-level events will help set the global sustainability agenda for the year ahead – a year when sustainability will be at the center of the post COVID-19 discussion.” said Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar “By bringing together world leaders from government, industry and technology, we have an opportunity to accelerate the energy transition and demonstrate that green growth goes hand-in-hand with economic growth”
The ADSW Summit will be held on January 19, 2021, with the full ADSW program running from January 18-21. To ensure the safety of all participants, ADSW 2021 and all related high-level events will take place virtually. The full physical program of ADSW will return in 2022.
Alongside the ADSW Summit, ADSW will feature a series of high-level virtual events, including the IRENA Assembly, Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum, Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum, and the World Future Energy Summit Forums.
Masdar will also host the Youth Dialogue Week, which will bring young people from around the world together virtually to discuss how they can play a more active role in the implementation of both the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the UAE’s 50 Year Development Plan.
As the first global event in the year of the UAE’s Golden Jubilee, ADSW will help galvanize further collaboration among government, business and community stakeholders to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
For over a decade, Abu Dhabi has provided a sustainable platform for the global community that has grown through its initiatives and events to emerge as a thought leader and catalyst that accelerates sustainable development around the world.
ADSW 2020 welcomed 45,000 attendees from over 170 countries, including the UAE’s leadership, 10 heads of state, 180 international ministers, and over 500 representatives from the world’s media. High-level speakers included HE Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia, HE Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda and HE Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
To register for the ADSW Summit 2021, visit link