We Believe the Children Are Our Future
Education, Youth

July 1, 2018, 12:36 pm
Dubai Carbon and The Youth Hub join hands on a series of sustainability workshops to empower the youth of this city.
The Youth Hub has collaborated with the Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence to produce a series of workshops on the current hot topic on all responsible minds today – sustainability.
The Sustainability Workshop held in March was the first in a series of interactive and practical workshops that will cover a diverse range of topics circling the broader subject of sustainability. The focus, however, will be on areas that are of interest to the youth of today, and how they relate to the local, national and global challenges facing us all in working towards a sustainable and greener future.
The first workshop, led by Ivano Iannelli, CEO of Dubai Carbon, introduced the discipline of sustainability and its relevance to the audience and to this country. The young participants were later invited to discuss and suggest further topics of interest within sustainability for future workshops.
The participants were given a green economy challenge, a scenario each group needed to consider and solve, and solutions. Their feedback was based on the knowledge they gained from the workshop as well supporting documentation and information provided
When the participants were hit with the key question on the importance of sustainability in their lives, their answers were surprisingly astute and ‘aware’.
“As civilised youngsters, it is our duty to create awareness, pitch in ideas, and implement them in order to live salubriously,” said one, while another ensured that this (living sustainably) was a voluntary commitment at work and in community activities.
“I think it is the future for all of us to save our universe,” was the collective mindset.
These Sustainability workshops are an important first step taken by Dubai Carbon in working with the youth, the talent of the tomorrow.
The master plan is to create and implement a programme of quarterly workshops at Youth Hub, and each theme discussed will be in line with the main topic of that particular issue of The Sustainabilist (a monthly magazine published by Dubai Carbon). The point of these workshops is to engage and inspire the youth to adapt green and energy efficient practices in their workplace. To inspire them to innovate and brainstorm a sustainability and energy efficiency challenge.
“Once we can ignite their passion and enthusiasm in the field, it is possible to create relationships that can be nurtured and built upon in the future,” says Ianelli. “Furthermore, this programme hopes to pique their curiosity and interest to pursue a possible career in the green and sustainable sciences.”
This effort also ties in nicely with the Youth Empowerment Strategy, of harnessing the talent and ideas of the youth of today to take us closer to the Government’s Vision 2021 – to have a developed city of happy, creative and empowered people.
Photo Credit – www.thenational.ae