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Safety and Precaution for Green Recovery

Green Recovery


September 30, 2020, 4:48 am

Resting, hydrating and monitoring are the key essentials to overcome COVID-19, however, the road to recovery and preparation for future crisis focuses on safety and precaution marked with sustainability.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be tempting to focus on finding an effective disinfectant. While disinfection is critical, it is only one part of a sustainable cleaning program. There are additional opportunities for greening your cleaning program, such as Active Antimicrobial materials that are tested by the Dubai Municipality with a 99.9% efficiency destroying all types of Pathogens in a matter of seconds. The materials can be applied on frequently touched surfaces in an effective way and gives 24/7/365 preventive protection.

To avoid overcleaning or cleaning for cleaning’s sake, businesses and individuals should have a cleaning strategy. Because surface transmission related to COVID-19 is so low, cleaning every surface shouldn’t be the goal. It is recommended to focus on high-touch areas such as light switches, door handles and elevator buttons. Education is required: Simply spraying and immediately wiping up a disinfected won’t kill the virus, so those cleaning offices will need to adjust their work habits. Products need anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes of wet saturation to kill the virus.

“Covid-19 is a Pathogen of the 21st Century that the world was not prepared for and nobody had an idea how to tackle the developing situation. As a precaution we need to adopt new technologies such as Active Antimicrobial material that will self-disinfect 24/7/365 rather than continue using current hygiene and sanitization protocols that are applied and that are very limited in its effect as they only work for the person that is touching  any surface after the cleaning process,” said Lothar Hohmann, President of Precise Group – a company that offers active antimicrobial solutions in the UAE.

Products as active antimicrobial not only offer long-term fiscal growth, but also avoid harming surrounding communities.

“Though many green products are marketed with buzzwords such as natural, plant-based and non-toxic to appear better for human health, the truth is that any product can be harmful if used incorrectly. It is therefore imperative that products are used appropriately and are bought from trusted suppliers,” added Lothar.

It is to be noted that standard and specifications for materials that are used in public areas, public transport, air travel, offices need to be reviewed and adopted to comply with the NEW NORMAL that will provide a safe environment for the future of all of us. Covid19 is not going to be an isolated case and a vaccine will work to a certain extent, however any mutation or any new virus need to be fought by implementing preventive measures in preparation for the future.

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