COVID19 : The Earth’s Breather

April 8, 2020, 5:25 pm
By Shubhangi Patil, Intern MBBS at DY Patil Hospital & Research Institute
In all these years , the world never seen such a bad thing happen; for our daily lives and economies took a backseat.
All busy shores were cleared , people trying to accept this phase and normalising.
Where even the holiest sites of all faiths took a deep breath and endangered species roamed across cities,
Skies clear, reefs brought to glory & the air being better.
A miniscule creature was nature’s answer in disguise.
A lot of us are going to have our hearts and minds changed as we get through this.
Human touch , human greeting suddenly becomes an ornament.
People looking for things mechanical, go deep to find art
They value the importance of travel and knowledge as we take new leaps.
Together, we are finding new definitions to still call this Earth a small place.
E-learning, working from home, less stressing the Earth.
So here is the time , we realise that She needed a breather.