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Youth Hub Hosts Roadshow for Corporate Finance Woman of the Year Award

EY and its corresponding Youth Council, developed with the support of the UAE Youth Council, kicked off its second annual Corporate Finance Woman of the Year (CFWY) competition in the United Arab Emirates in December 2018.   The initiative encourages Emirati women to pursue careers in the private sector, particularly within transaction services and corporate […]

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Sustainable Finance – The Why & The What (Part 2)

by Jaison John, Partner, Avia Management As mentioned in the earlier article, the 2 most common aspects of sustainable finance are that they have: a long-term view to create a lasting impact an interrelationship between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and financial issues such as financing, lending, and investment decisions A brief overview of […]

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Sustainable Finance – The Why & The What (Part 1)

by Jaison John, Partner, Avia Management Although financial products have existed since the 1970s, socially responsible investing is evolving and has witnessed some landmark changes in the last 3 – 5 years. Many firms have been using terms such as SRI, ESG, and Impact investing interchangeably, but in practice, they are quite different. Having a […]

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Digital-savvy consumers

In 2018’s edition of IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2018 released in June 2018, the UAE moved up one place in the overall list, from the 18th to the 17th place, ahead of developed economies such as Germany, New Zealand, Ireland, France and Japan. UAE remained the top nation in digital competitiveness within the Middle East. According […]

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ACWA Power signs strategic agreements with three Chinese entities during the second Belt and Road Forum

ACWA Power, a leading developer, owner, and operator of power generation and water desalination plants has signed strategic agreements with three renowned Chinese entities on the sidelines of the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF). The agreements with PowerChina, China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC) and Bank of China will lay the ground […]

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Green Jobs and One Economy Pillar: Sustainability

Today we still hear people who speak about the traditional three pillars of sustainability encompassing environmental friendliness, socially acceptability and economically viability. Does this definition still make sense in today’s economy? The significance of the other two pillars need to be reevaluated in today’s economy taking into account the overall costs that non-sustainable practices involve. […]

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Creating International and Long-Lasting Impact

The Green Bond designed to operate under the FAB Green Bond Framework has been specifically designed to be used for climate and environmental projects. A green bond – or climate bond – is a bond specifically designed to be used for climate and environmental projects. According to First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), at the end […]

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Dubai Exports Enables 5000 Female Entrepreneurs Access to the Marketplace

Dubai Exports joined forces with the International Trade Commission and UPS to launch SheTrades MENA, a regional initiative as part of a global platform enabling female entrepreneurs. Dubai Exports joined forces with the International Trade Commission and UPS to launch SheTrades MENA, a regional initiative as part of a global platform enabling female entrepreneurs to […]

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UAE – Regional and Global Pioneer in Green Investments

Innovation and green investments are used by UAE-based companies to establish green projects regionally and globally. During the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)’s Assembly and Council, held in Seoul in November 2018, HE Dr Thani Bin Ahmad Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, said the UAE will contribute US$1.5 million annually from 2019 […]

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Real Estate Self Transaction Disrupts the Real Estate Industry

As part of the 10X Initiative, Dubai Land Department launched the digital platform, Real Estate Self Transaction, REST, enabling customers to manage all transactions related to real estate online. In 2018, as part of its participation in the 10X Initiative, Dubai Land Department launched Real Estate Self Transaction “REST”, a platform for conducting real estate […]